Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Culture of Harvest Moon and the Garden Herb Shop

Upon stepping into the old brick buildings of historic Canal Winchester, one cannot help but feel the palpable sense of small-town culture created by the folks in these-here parts. Harvest Moon is no different. Tucked into the heart of Canal, this cafe and its herbal shop counterpart are sheltered by the corner building across the street from the chiming clock of the Town Hall. This location used to be a sleepy little grocery store by the name of Conrad’s Market, but time has exchanged Conrad’s for a corner cafe which now serves delicious and health-conscientious delectables.

The culture here in Harvest Moon and the Garden Herb Shop is to serve drinks, snacks, supplements, and meals with a heart for health. One doesn’t need to stay long to notice the plethora of nutritional knowledge the servers here possess, especially when it comes to the Garden Herb Shop. “It’s like an educational experience,” one told me as I was learning about Ph levels in water. I never knew that water had Ph levels until I started working with these guys! The store shelves are stacked not only with food for the body but also for the mind with a library of nutritional reads, ruminations on how to be more health-focused and how to possibly revive that New Year’s resolution you left in the dust a couple of weeks ago. ;)

It’s places such as Harvest Moon and the Garden Herb Shop that I would recommend in these pessimistic-riddled days of bad economy. You can’t change the nation, but you may be able to improve your hometown by getting a delicious Turkey & Apple Sandwich and a Chai Latte from Harvest Moon, or maybe some local honey from The Bee Man. Not only that, but you’ll be able to eat from a much healthier menu, and who would feel guilty about that? Helping the local economy and eating healthy are happily married in these quaint settings.
~The Harvest Crier~

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