Friday, February 17, 2012

Foodview: Green Energy

Don't be deceived into thinking that this drink is your run of the mill liquefied lettuce-head (we all know how enjoyable that would be, right?) The Green Energy drink fills the mouth with a very sweet and tangy taste! Its ingredients are kale, kiwi, pineapple juice, banana, and dates.

-Kale: One large leaf was put into the blend, hidden by the more ostentatious ingredients. A brief researching of this leaf has shown me that its benefits include lowering cholesterol, lowering the risk of certain types of cancers, and helping detox the body. (source)

-Kiwi: The eccentric and fuzzy kiwi, the hairy kid of the fruit class, was also thrown into the mix. It came in second place in regards to potency of flavor. Its health benefits include a copious supply of Vitamin C, as well as phytonutrients which protect your DNA. (source)

-Pineapple Juice: Pineapple is another rich source of Vitamin C. Its tropical flavor put a real tartness in each sip, definitely taking first place in the flavor experience. Its perks include potential anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.

-Banana: The banana assisted the Green Energy drink by providing a fuller taste and a thicker texture, making it quite filling. I feel that it toned down the spike of tartness that may betide a person if they solely drank the pineapplejuice. The banana is like the big, benevolent kid in the class, the one who keeps everyone in check. Its benefits include potassium and protection against atherosclerosis. It can also prevent high blood pressure and, of course, has a lot of Vitamin C. (source)

-Dates: Tiny morsels of diced goodness were found throughout the Green Energy drink. It's meaty texture gave the drink more character. It added to the fruity experience while simultaneously toning down the overall tartness! The positives of dates are numerous and include benefits for your heart, your metabolism and your digestive track. (source)

I liked it, simply put, and would recommend it for someone who is in a little bit of a rush and doesn't have time for a full on lunch. It's no turkey dinner, but it may tide you over until you have a clear opportunity to eat, you know, solid food. :)
~The Harvest Crier~

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