Monday, February 13, 2012

Long Life Starts With...

Activity and nutrition, my friends. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

When it comes to being active, one doesn't need to train as if they're planning on climbing Mt. Everest like, tomorrow or anything. Simply getting out there (or in there, for you gym membership holders) is the first step. It could be as strenuous as developing a workout routine with weights, or as leisurely as going for an evening walk. Remember that consistency always beats out quantity, so don't try to force yourself into becoming a gym rat that spends 25 hours of the day working out. In fact, unless you love pumping iron or running out the miles on a treadmill, trying to force yourself into the mold of Captain Bulging Neck Muscles may put negative stress on your body. But positively stressing your body can happen through doing some kind of physical activity, especially when it's something elating such as going for a hike, playing football, or riding your bike.

The question that everyone needs to ask is this: What is something that I enjoy doing and will also benefit my physical fitness?

When you find the answer, go bananas, even if it's something as simple as calisthenics or walking around the block. This is something the Garden Herb Shop wants to strongly emphasize: consistency always beats out quantity. So enjoy yourself in your physical activity. Life seems to go well when you learn to faithfully do little consistencies such as drinking plenty of water, getting the proper nutrients, and taking time to stay in motion.
~The Harvest Crier~

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