Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Health Benefits of Red Wine

It has been said by many people that a glass of wine a day helps the heart, but is that true? What better place for one to find the answer than Harvest Moon Cafe and the Garden Herb Shop where the associates tout far more knowledge on health and nutrition than most coffee shops.
"I've heard doctors say," or, "I've heard that doctors say," or, "I heard someone tell me that their doctor said, that a glass of red wine a day helps the heart." You may have heard some of these lines in the past, but do you know the science behind it, or is it mere hearsay? In this informational age, it is imperative that we know how to discern for ourselves fact from fiction when it comes to everything, including health and nutrition, so that we aren't swayed into deep-fried, butter-battered, high fructose corn syrup glazed, "Just take this pill and your health will be okay" lies.

Hence the reason why the Garden Herb Shop has a plethora of books on the subject of nutrition. The goal behind this place is more than filling your coffee mug or selling you tea. The goal of the Garden Herb shop is not to fill your mind with facts about nutrition, but to fill your heart with a desire to seek out the knowledge of nutrition on your own. Their desire is to make the individual into a knowledgeable nutritionist.

So consider the information here, taken from the best sources your Cryer felt are available to us in order to answer the question: Is a glass of red wine a day good for the heart?

Mayo Clinic -Yes; red wine has antioxidants, such as flavonoids or a substance called resveratrol, which may help the heart. The staff of Mayo are not too quick to recommend that people start drinking alcohol if they aren't already, seeing how too much alcohol has an adverse effect on one's health. "Drink in moderation- or not at all." There is no evidence on their part that red wine is better for your heart than other forms of alcohol, but red wine does have a possibility of being the best choice. (Source) (Mayo Clinic Info)

Today Health - Yes; reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and slows the progress of neurological degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's. It is heavily emphasized that moderation is key and that too much alcohol will increase the risk of bad health. Again, do it in moderation or don't do it at all. The positives are that it raises good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), thins the blood, has antioxidants, prevents free radicals from causing cellular damage, and can potentially improve cardiovascular health. The negatives of wine are that it can increase triglyceride levels, which are associated with problems such as diabetes and also raises the risk of breast cancer. Lastly, it may be the cause of some migraines and it certainly has empty calories, which can cause weight gain. (Source)

Science Daily - Yes; raises good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), and contains resveratrol which has been found to lower blood sugar. Chocolate with at least a 70% cocoa content also benefits the heart in these ways. No negatives were given in this article. (Source) (Science Daily Info)

There are articles against drinking wine, and I would encourage you to look at them for yourself, but it is Harvest Moon's stance, and the stance of the Garden Herb Shop, that wine in moderation is beneficial.
~The Harvest Crier~

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