Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Health and Creativity

It seems that the times have come where the individual needs to, on a daily basis, sift out truth from the lie-laden advertising bombarding them at every moment. Being healthy doesn't mean eating like a weight-conscious rabbit or anything. Nothing is as easy and simultaneously as depressing as settling with the lie that the best nutrition comes in the form of a bland pill. But the possibilities are endless as to how you can make nutrition and deliciousness into best buds. It comes via the road of creativity. You just have to set your foot on the path and see how far you can go!

An example of this I learned about a year ago:

We know that cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which are good for us, I mean, really good for us! We also know that chocolate, though it contains cocoa, is not good for us because it also contains processed, bleached sugar. Bad news! But what to do? Chocolate is irresistible, and it's not like people walk out of the office after a stressful day and think to themselves, "Man! I just need a mouth-full of cocoa powder right now!" If only there was a way to get the sweetness of sugar and combine it with the cocoa taste, thus making a chocolate sensation! Is there a way?

Yes! There is a way! Here's where creative thinking comes into play. All you need to put in the blender for a genuinely healthy chocolate smoothie is,
-1 banana,
-Oats (Quaker oats works fine),
-Peanut butter (optional),
-Almond Milk,
-Pure Cocoa,

You'll have to measure out the ingredients by trial and error, but the cocoa's taste and the sweetness of the banana will throw you for a very pleasant loop. I've given it to people who aren't very health-conscientious, and even they liked it, except for when I put too much cocoa in it accidentally. :)

The first step is to become knowledgeable as to what your body truly needs, and not what the freezer-food box says you need. The more knowledgeable you become of  nutrition, the more accurately you'll be able to make your own concoctions that both taste great and provide the nutrients your body may be starved of. The second step is to experiment and see what tastes good; just make sure you're using non-processed, whole foods. Lastly, don't box yourself in. Outside of Harvest Moon, I never heard of someone making brownies out of black beans, but it tastes good for being something outrageously weird!

Be creative, be slightly eccentric, be nutritiously experimental. It's what all the cool kids are doing these days. :)
~The Harvest Crier~

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