Friday, August 10, 2012

Foodview: Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap

This past week, after the flurry of blues and ribs fanatics subsided, the Harvest Moon kitchen staff busied themselves with lunch specials truly elating in their uniqueness. They've put aside their BBQ stained garments from last week (there were a few BBQ entrees in honor of the event) and rolled up creative sleeves to make some new inventions of esculent proportion. Feeling a little hungry and having a desire to write, I took a look around to see what could be blogged about. Moments before, I heard some elderly ladies raving about a lunch special: The Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad. They got it in a wrap, so I decided to follow suit and get mine in a wrap too, because remember... I hate salads.

There are four ways you feel after you eat a meal, in my opinion. Either you're wanting, you're satisfied, you're full, or you're stuffed. I would put this meal somewhere between me being satisfied and me being full. It'll be enough for some and more than enough for others. It seemed that so many ingredients were stuffed in and pouring out of the herb & veggie tortilla. In regards to flavor, aside from the warm white chicken breast and a kind of spring mix wrapped about the tender meat, the unique taste came from the house made Caesar dressing which had no small hint of garlic in it. While other seasonings were in the dressing which smothered the soft meat and lettuce, garlic was the main taste entering my mouth. A kind of cheese I couldn't identify was sprinkled throughout the wrap too, and it was impossible to not notice the green olive halves in the wrap as well. While my taste buds don't appreciate green olives, my personality does (if that makes any sense! I hear they're good for you). The wrap had these delicious house-made croutons in it, which gave the meal its satisfying crunch. Highly recommended.

With the Caesar dressing, a little bit went a long way flavor-wise, so be careful if you ask the chef for an extra helping of dressing. You don't want the guy clear on the other side of the cafe to know what you ate for lunch!

Adjectives for this special include but are not limited to: varied, green, seasoned, garlicky, tasteful, and healthy. It was like a hand salad, you know, a salad you can pick up and eat with your hands. :)

Well that's a wrap on this post (ba dum tss)! See you next time.
~The Harvest Crier~

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