Saturday, March 3, 2012

Foodview: Truffled Mushroom Flatbread

This flatbread pizza I would recommend for those who like to sing Born to be Mild while driving their mother's station wagon down the road at a heart-racing 5 miles below the speed limit. Is it flavorful? Yes. Bold? Yeah, kind of. It definitely has a perk to it with certain ingredients, but I would say its primary adjectives are: calm, unique, chill, and flavorful.

Don't get me wrong, it was an excellent flatbread. I thoroughly enjoyed it particularly because I feel that it's ideal for a soothing meal. Need a relaxing entree by chance? Give this one a shot.

While it's not intense in spice or pep, it is unparalleled in taste. You'll need a desire to taste something different if you want to enjoy it. I only recommend this to those who want to branch out and try something new. Let me tell you that the reward of curiosity is discovery! Bleu cheese and oven roasted tomatoes aren't like my favorite things to eat, but I would have never known how flawlessly they go together unless I sheepishly said, "Truffled Mushroom Pizza, please."

~Very strong yet cool flavors.

~The mushrooms have a very thick and meaty texture to them.

~The oven roasted tomatoes complement the crumbled blue cheese. The crumbled bleu cheese causes the tartness of the tomato to come out, giving a sweet taste to the meal.

~The green onion and red onion were for garnishing but also enriched the texture of the meal.

~It also has Ricotta Aioli in it, but I couldn't taste that part.

~Recommended if you're the cool, calm type who doesn't want your mouth to feel on fire yet wants to try something new and exciting. :)
~The Harvest Crier~

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