Monday, October 22, 2012

Drink Review: Hot Chocolate

Well, readers, the oppressive summer heat has loosened it's grip and tell-tale evidence of Father Christmas' fast approach is in the air. Coolness has descended outside, and the time is nigh for snow! Doesn't the cold air just make you think of things such as cozy blankets, warm ginger bread men, crackling fireplaces, roaring camp fires, scarves, hats, mittens, coats, and Christmas! Yes, my friends, these are a few of my favorite things. :)

While playing Christmas music is obviously forbidden until the day after Thanksgiving, Hot chocolate made from real cocoa is welcomed for as many months as you can drink it enjoyably. I took the opportunity and wrapped my hands around a steaming cup of hot chocolate today and, typing and tasting, I recorded my thoughts...

The chocolate-laden steam and semi-sweet drink had a rejuvenating and heavenly warmth to it. It is recommended for dipping cookies in if that's how you like to dance, or for having with a side of Turkish Delights for those of you who've seen The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And as a personal preference, I suggest it being made with steamed almond milk.

For keeping cozy, and for the sake of a wonderful winter experience, I recommend this delicious drink by furnishing it with adjectives such as: warm, sweet calming, satisfying, and dark.
~The Harvest Crier~

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