Thursday, April 12, 2012


A couple of days ago, I was typing away at my computer while talking with a customer who was enjoying her warm brunch at the same table. She told me of this quandary she was in where she knew that it's important to have an early breakfast, but couldn't bring herself to the task of making it when she gets up.

We all know that breakfast is quite an essential for a productive day, right? When we think of being productive by having an early breakfast in the morning, we tend to imagine an elaborate feast of eggs and bacon and toast and such with a side of milk or orange juice. Thus we get discouraged and hit the snooze button for the nth time while drowsily thinking to self that breakfast is too much work. And in the back of our mind we remember hearing from our parental figures that breakfast is important.

This blog post is not going to be yet another glaring webpage telling you to "Eat your wheaties!" Instead, it's going to be a blog post sharing the good news that eating a breakfast doesn't have to be as complicated as one may think. Your first meal of the day doesn't have to look like Bob Evans on steroids (really elaborate and bountiful). Quite the contrary. While a varied breakfast including toast and eggs and fruit and so on is undoubtedly most nutritious, don't assume that you have to eat a breakfast like that every day to still get some of the benefits of eating breakfast in general.

Obviously not going for the sugary twice sugar-coated sugar flakes made from sugar is a good first step. A second step is to not over-complicate your breakfast menu, but to start with simple nutrition such as a banana, a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast, or maybe some melon. Starting off by eating some fruit or perhaps some granola is a good way to jump start your metabolism in the morning, which will enable you to digest better throughout the day. Hooray, right?

So there you have it. Start simple, start small, start with a couple of strawberries or a handful of raisins first thing (heck, one piece of toast even!) and go from there. You'll have breakfast down in no time.

Or you could always just go over to Harvest Moon for their killer breakfast menu if you'd like.
~The Harvest Crier~

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